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SMAF – Portable Suction Machine – NSL-SXT-5A


The SXT-5A Suction Pump has a 550mmHg maximum vacuum capacity for a wide range of uses. The set includes a canister, connection tubings, and hydrophobic filter.


The SXT-5A Suction Pump has a 550mmHg maximum vacuum capacity for a wide range of uses. The set includes a canister, connection tubings, and hydrophobic filter.

The Standard Suction Pump can be used with tracheostomy patients.

Suction Catheters are purchased separately.


Weight2.9 kg

Power Rating100 – 240; 50/60 Hz

Pressure Range0 – 550 mmHg


Noorani surgical  is one of the largest providers of aspirators and suction machines to the hospital, nursing home, and home care market in the United States. Specialty Medical takes pride in its extensive knowledge of suction machines and its ability to provide answers to our customers questions concerning which suction machine is right for their current situation or application. [ see current models and prices ]

Specialty Medical also feels it carries the top medical suction machines in the healthcare industry from the top manufacturers. Specialty Medical is able to provide substantial cost savings compared to other companies based on the fact that we sell hundreds of suction machines to hospitals, nursing homes, schools, dentists, EMT’s and several other healthcare establishments in such large volumes. Specialty Medical has put together an informative page to better answer some of your questions regarding aspirators and suction machines.

What is a Suction Machine?

A Suction Machine is a device for removing liquids or gases by suction, especially an instrument that uses suction to remove substances, such as mucus or serum, from a body cavity. A suction machine is used to create a partial vacuum. A suction machine has been prescribed by your doctor to help remove secretions and mucus from your airways. In addition, a suction machine may be needed when you have a moist cough, are unable to effectively clear secretions from the throat, or are having difficulty breathing or feel that you can not get enough air.


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