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Fetus Doppler Desktype – NSL BT-250 Bistos (Korae)


Product Description:

Fetal doppler monitor: 2 MHz probe

Color LCD screen where you can plot the curve or show the parameter, built-in speaker, battery 5 hours of autonomy and memory to keep the trends for 4 hours.

Ability to centralize up to 8 monitors doppler using Bluetooth technology.

Features:-probe 2 MHz to monitor the heartbeat of the fetus.

-3.2 ” Color LCD screen.

-Recording of up to 4 hours of records.

-Battery to use the computer without a network connection.

-Small, compact, and lightweight desktop fetal doppler monitor.

Fetus Doppler Desktype – NSL BT-250 Bistos (Korae)

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