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Mesh Arm Sling – NSL – 5204


Mesh Arm Sling

A Bankart tear is a shoulder injury involving a tear of the shoulder joint, specifically the labrum. The labrum is a cuff of cartilage that helps make the shoulder joint much more stable and allows for a wide range of motion. A tear to this labrum cartilage is called a Bankart tear. Symptoms of a Bankart tear include the following: instability of the shoulder, pain, and repeated dislocation.

There are two options to treat a Bankart tear. One option, usually the most extreme, is to perform surgery to repair the torn labrum. Another option is to allow the arm to rest and the inflammation to subside with the use of a shoulder stabilizer or arm immobilizer. Those who undergo surgery also need to wear a shoulder immobilizer after the operation, which is then followed by aggressive physical therapy to allow the patient to gradually return to his or her usual activities.

The shoulder is one of the most frequently dislocated joints because the top of the arm bone sits in a very shallow socket. A dislocated shoulder means that the arm bone has popped out of its socket, causing the supporting tissues to overstretch or tear. A dislocated shoulder brace can help.

Patients suffering a dislocated shoulder need to seek medical attention immediately. Most dislocated shoulders are treated in a hospital emergency room, where an X-ray is first done to make sure that there are no fractures. If there are no broken bones, the arm is then gently set and connected to the shoulder joint. The shoulder and arm are then both supported by a shoulder immobilizer.  The arm immobilizer is usually worn for a few weeks to several months for the shoulder to completely recover.


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